2023 projects

Stress transmission and fracture in collagen networks


PI: Mehdi Bouzid (3SR)

Partners: 3SR, LIPhy


Dynamics of gravity currents over a sediment bed


PI: Eletta Negretti (LEGI)

Partners: LEGI, ETNA


Laryngeal flow-structure interaction during inspiratory phonation

Short visitor

Co-PI: Xavier Pelorson (LEGI)

Partners: LEGI, Dept. Computer Science (University of Brasília, Brazil)


Additive Manufacturing of Bioinspired Orthopedic Casts

Short visitor

Co-PI: Alain Dufresne (LGP2)

Partners: LGP2, Mechanical Engineering Department, Arab Academy for Science and Technology (AASTMT), Egypt


Connecting statistical mechanics and granular materials: a novel experimental validation of the Tsallis-Bukman scale law in two dimensions

Outgoing grant

PI: Gaël Combe (3SR)

Partners: 3SR, Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET MG, Brazil), Brazilian Center for Research in Physics.

Mechanics of active growth: a multi-scale constitutive theory of growth of active matter of epithelial tissues

Outgoing grant

PI: Alexander Erlich (LIPhy)

Partners: LIPhy, School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences and Engineering Department, University of Ireland (Galway)

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012