WP1: Coupling fluid and solid mechanics
Task leaders: Julien Chauchat and Luc Sibille
WP2: Coupling fluid mechanics and bio-physico-chemical phenomena et micro/nano scale
Task leaders: Aurore Denneulin and Frédéric Pignon
WP3: Engineering for human health
Task leaders: Delphine Débarre and Thomas Podgorski
WP4: Advanced numerical tools and experimental methods
Task leaders: Sabine Rolland du Roscoat and Guillaume Balarac
Project manager
Cécile Bordier
Partnership manager:
Mathieu Tilquin
Education unit:
The Steering Committee is made up of partner laboratory directors, and makes decisions on the new research projects to be financed based on internationally peer-reviewed proposals, on new educational initiatives in particular those related with summer schools, and on actions for the development of transfer activities (including services and platforms).
The scientific council advises the executive board on scientific orientations, on proposed new educational programs and on transfer strategy. It is composed of representatives of each partner research laboratory and external scientists.
The Executive board reviews the LabEx status and plans for the future. It supervises the management team, approves the scientific program, the educational initiatives and transfer policy, the financial investments, and the human and financial resources for each Work Package.
The executive board is composed of representatives of Tec21's supervising institutions.