Master student
Home institution: Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Internship project: Microparticles deformation and damage in microfluidics chambers
Supervisor: Clément de Loubens (LRP)
Master programme: Fluid Mechanics and Energetics
Master student
Home institution: University of Belgrade, Serbia
Internship project: Characterisation of bio-based polymers (nano particles and / or films) for self-healing materialsSupervisor: Nadia El Kissi (LRP)
Master programme: Fluid Mechanics and Energetics
Master student
Home institution: Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering, Tripoli, Lebanon
Internship project: Chemo-hydro-mechanical response of carbonation of recycle concrete aggregate observed through X-ray and neutron imaging
Supervisors: Matthieu Briffaut (3SR)
Master programme:
Geomechanics, civil engineering and risks
Master student
Home institution: Grenoble INP, France
Internship project: Towards improving avalanche barriers and deflectors efficiency for powder-snow avalanches
Supervisors: Marie Rastello (LEGI)
Master programme: Hydraulic and civil engineering
Master student
Home institution: Univ. Autonoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia
Internship project: Cellulose composite aerogels for highly efficient electromagnetic interference shielding
Supervisors: Ge Zhu and Alain Dufresne (LGP2)
Master programme: MSE Biorefinery and biomaterials