The 2022 call for proposals is now open. The dead line for the submission of the proposals is on the 17th of January 2022.

Outgoing grants
The outgoing grants is to help permanent researchers from Tec21 laboratories, spend a short stay (one month) in a foreign university or industry with the aim of building up new collaborations on new topics.

Post-doc grants
Our post-doc grants are for one year projects involving a collaboration between two laboratories from Tec 21.

Short visitors
The aim of short duration visitor grant is to welcome foreign researchers in our laboratories for up to 2 months to achieve progress in a specific area of research, as well as to prepare more ambitious projects in collaboration with Tec 21 research laboratories.
Proof of concept and R&D internships
Since 2014, Tec21 finances 6 months internships on projects oriented towards the valorisation of research results. Around 40 such projects were funded so far, a significant number of have given interesting outcomes such as industrial PhD projects or governmental research grants, maturation actions financed by the technology transfer company Linksium (in particular "out of lab" prizes), patent applications and even startup creations. The calls for proof of concept and R&D proposals are still opened on an ongoing basis this year