From the 31st of January to the 4th of February 2022, the 5th edition of the winter school on multiscale approaches and multiphysic couplings in fluid and solid mechanics will take place in Grenoble. Registrations are now open.

Since 2015, Tec21 and the Fed3G co-organise a week of conferences and practical sessions dedicated to the experimental and numerical tools and methods used in engineering sciences to tackle the complexity of multiscale and multiphysic problems. Researchers from the mechanical and process engineering research community of Grenoble will give lectures and labcourses during the first 4 days, and this year, the last day will focus on the most recent advances in "mechanics at the nanoscale", with foreign invited speakers coming from the University of Manchester (UK) and from Carleton University (Canada), as well as local scientists from the University Lyon 1, from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility and from the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Physics of Grenoble.
The school is open to around 40 attendees, registrations are open until the 31st of December 2021.