PhD position: Study of glass metal liquid bath behaviour under low frequency induction

The CEA Marcoule, in collaboration with the laboratory SIMAP, is seeking a candidate for a PhD on the modelling of the melting process of metallic and ceramic by low frequency induction.


PIVIC process developed by CEA for ORANO achieves, in one step, treatment of radioactive material of various composition. Organic part is incinerated by oxygen plasma in order to respect storage requirements. Metallic and ceramic parts are melted together in a melting unit by low frequency induction.

Low frequency induction provide efficient heating of metallic materials until melting and generate electromagnetic stirring in molten metal. Melting process developed at CEA involve a second molten phase of glass above metal for radionuclides stabilization. Metallic parts of the waste melt with inductive heating in order to reduce their volume. Modeling of biphasic system is essential to estimate power required for heating and stirring of metallic phase. Thermal and motion transfers study give information about operating parameters in order to improve transfer through interface and allow heating and stirring of glass from metal phase. Chemical reactions between both phases could be evaluated by this model for different conditions of inductive system.

Electromagnetic, thermohydraulic and thermodynamic and/or chemical equilibrium are involved in the melting process description. This PhD work will enhance modeling skills of the candidate. Model coupling and parametrisation are the main objective of the proposed work. Skills developed during this PhD could be proposed to nuclear, glass or metallurgical industries.

Research field

Electromagnetism - Electrical engineering - Engineering sciences

Dead line for application

September 25, 2020


+33(0) 466 691 683
Patrice Charvin (CEA)
Annie Gagnoud (SIMAP)


Job description
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