The Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels is seeking a candidate for a PhD on the experimental characterisation and modelling of the atomisation phenomenon.

Assisted atomisation is a process widely used in industry, particularly in aerospace, to produce very high quality sprays. A gas is propelled at high velocity around a slower liquid jet and
creates instabilities leading to the rupture of the liquid continuum and to the formation of fine droplets producing a cloud or "spray".
In turbojet engines, the spray produced by the injector passes through the turbine and becomes highly turbulent, undergoing large velocity fluctuations that lead to a complex behaviour commonly
known as "swirl".
The objective of this thesis is to better understand this swirl behaviour of a liquid/gas mixture, following a multi-scale experimental approach, from the spray production area close to the injector, where instabilities are formed at the liquid/gas interface and start to produce the droplets, to a more distant area, where the droplets are dispersed under the effect of turbulence.
Candidates for this fellowship should have a strong theoretical background in fluid mechanics and a strong interest in experimentation.

Nathanaël Machicoane

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Nathanaël Machicoane
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