From the 10th to the 12th of October, as part of the Fête de la Science event, our laboratories open their doors to public.

Thanks to three simple live demonstrations, researchers from the INRAE Grenoble will illustrate the main scientific issues that are currently explored in their research to improve the way we protect our habitations and infrastructures from avalanches, a natural phenomenon which remains very difficult to predict.
The laboratoire LEGI specialising in fluid mechanics, also opens its doors to students and visitors, and presents 3 of its most emblematic experiments : the Coriolis platform, one of the biggest rotating machine in Europe that is used to study large-scale geophysical flows, the 36 meters long wave channel on which the researchers study coastal phenomena and the effects of swell on sediment transport, and the cavitation tunnel, a transparent pipe in which water is accelerated at high speed to study the behaviour of propellers, turbines and other hydromechanical equipments.
Tec21 partnership manager
Mathieu Tilquin

Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et industriels

INRAE Grenoble

All the information about the Fête de la scienceUniv. Grenoble Alpes website