On the 14th of October, Lyazid Djenidi from the University of Newcastle (Australia) will give a seminar entitled: "The lattice Boltzmann method: Applications to Turbulence and Micromixing"

As part of Tec 21 visitor program, Lyazid Djenidi is hosted in
the LEGI premises since the beginning of September where he collaborates with Sedat Tardu on
a new conceptual mixing strategy for micro mixers.
The conference will take place at 11:15 am in room K118 (Laboratory LEGI),
Since the work of Kim et al. (1987), Spalart (1988), direct numerical simulation (DNS) has become an effective tool for studying turbulent flows. In particular, DNS has greatly helped shedding some light in some fundamental aspects of turbulence. While DNSs of turbulent flows are still largely carried out by solving the Navier-Stokes equations, a relatively new numerical approach is gaining momentum. The method, the lattice Boltzmman method (hereafter denoted LBM), started to be considered as a serious numerical tool after Frisch et al (1986) showed that Navier-Stokes equations can be recovered from the lattice gas automata (LGA) that predated the LBM. Since then, the LBM proved to be as effective as the Navier-Stokes solvers (based either on spectral methods or finite differences). In this seminar, the LBM will be briefly exposed and its application to a few problems in turbulence and micromixing presented.

Sedat Tardu (LEGI)

A new conceptual mixing strategy for micro mixers.
Lyazid Djenidi's project