As part of its research initiatives, Tec 21 is soon welcoming Pr. Alberto Aliseda from the University of Washington, for a long visitor stay in association to a PhD project.

Starting next September, Alberto Aliseda will be hosted in the premises of the laboratory LEGI, where he will be the principal investigator and the supervisor of a PhD project entitled: “Particle Clustering in Turbulence: inertial dynamics and resulting turbulence-induced accumulation, enhanced settling and collision/coalescence.”

This work is expected to tackle some important issues relating to droplets collisions and sedimentation as occurring in rain formation processes or in fossil fuels deposition.

Alberto Aliseda will work in close relation with researchers from Tec 21, Alain Cartellier and Mickaël Bourgoin, who will co-supervise the PhD project. Part of this long visitor grant has been co-financed by the UJF.


Alain Cartellier



Particle clustering in turbulence, inertial dynamics...
PhD / Long visitor project

Alberto Aliseda
Personal website