On the 14th of September 2012, Tec21 was officially launched

The kick-off meeting of the LabEx took place in the amphitheatre of the IRSTEA in presence of Farid Ouabdesselam, President of the PRES Grenoble University , Patrick Lévy, President of the University Joseph Fourier, Frédéric Dufour, Scientific Director at Grenoble-INP (engineering schools), Jean-Philippe Torterotot, Director of the "Waters" department at IRSTEA, Michel Crastes from the CNRS - Alp delegation and Evelyne Mauret, Director of the laboratory LGP2 representing the Agefpi.
More than 80 participants gathered to share Tec 21 objectives and organisation. Besides, Tec 21 road map in research, education and transfer to applications was thoroughly discussed.
+33(0)4 76 82 50 48Alain Cartellier

Investissements d'Avenir
Laboratoires d'Excellence